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Jendi Reiter Wins the 23rd Annual Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award-2024

Writer: givalpressgivalpress


Arlington, VA—August 21, 2024

Gival Press is pleased to announce that Jendi Reiter of Northampton, Massachusetts has won the 23rd Annual Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award-2024 for the poem titled Vita Sackville-West Wins the Golden Wedding Award at the Cummington Fair, chosen anonymously by the judge, Madeline B. Kramer. The award includes a $500.00 cash prize, and the poem will be published both on the Gival Press website and in ArLiJo, its online journal.


Vita Sackville-West Wins the Golden Wedding Award

at the Cummington Fair


An optimistic alto covers Gentle on My Mind


in the bandshell by the chicken barn.

Her calves chunk-chunk in floral-stitched boots.

Is the idea of a woman less demanding than her pussy?

Twinned oxen yoked to concrete


blocks pull through dust

to cheers. Desire anything


because it's in front of you,

soap, mortgages, and dyed quartz flowers

sold from white wooden stalls


at the bottom of the hill. Ideas don't tire,

rub themselves to rash, or bleed like roast beef dinner

that's promised as a prize over the loudspeaker


to the best couple fifty-plus years wed.

Man and woman is understood

by the burlap-faced leaders of the two-step, gently

resting their chins on their wives' tucked curls.


Slow, slow. The alto swings

long molasses hair back from her cheeky face

singing that not-like-other-girls song.


The oxen win a ribbon. The boy who hits

the bell with the hammer wins a ticket to do it again.

His mother sticks her face into a cream puff

the way Vita would have


tongued Virginia Woolf's cunt. To be pleasant

memory, to be covered in art,

don't cry at leavings. Blame


is a trash barrel of single-use knives.

Ideas are insatiable. Vita and Harold died


one anniversary short of golden,

she with her tea cakes, he with his Persian boys.


And Virginia, when she weighed down her pockets

with tickets for the final carousel,


what vows held her up so long?

Copyright © 2024 by Jendi Reiter.

About the Author

Jendi Reiter is the author of the novels Origin Story (2024) and Two Natures (2016), both from Saddle Road Press; five poetry books and chapbooks, most recently Made Man (Little Red Tree, 2022); and the story collection An Incomplete List of My Wishes (Sunshot Press/New Millennium Writings, 2016). Origin Story was a finalist for the Black Lawrence Press Big Moose Prize and Two Natures won the Rainbow Award for Best Gay Contemporary Fiction. They are the editor of the writing resource site



Photo by Ezra Autumn Wilde.



Why the Sunrise is Trans 

by Jendi Reiter of Northampton, MA

The Golden Shovel

   by Vanessa Haley of Wilmington, DE  

Quarantine Season: I Still Love You, But 

   by Brent Schaffer of Anchorage, AK


   by Elliott Kurta of Charlotte, NC





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