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Mark Wisniewski
Finalist for the ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Award for General Fiction - 2011
Bruce Bond
Mark Wisniewski
Mark Wisniewski is the author of the novel Confessions of a Polish Used Car Salesman, the collection of short stories All Weekend with the Lights On, and the book of poems One of Us One Night. His fiction has appeared in magazines such as Virginia Quarterly Review, Antioch Review, The Southern Review, The Yale Review, TriQuarterly, The Missouri Review, The Sun, and The Georgia Review, and has been anthologized in Pushcart Prize and Best American Short Stories. He has held two Regents' Fellowships form the University of California and won an Isherwood Fellowship, a Tobias Wolff Award, a Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story, and a Gival Press Short Story Award.