Take a few minutes to read Issue No. 145 of ArLiJo with poetry by
Niels Hav, Holly Karapetkova (Poet Laureate of Arlington, VA), and
Ron Singer: www.ArLiJo.com .
Take a few minutes to read Issue No. 145 of ArLiJo with poetry by
Niels Hav, Holly Karapetkova (Poet Laureate of Arlington, VA), and
Ron Singer: www.ArLiJo.com .
It is with great pleasure that Gival Press announces that Vikram Ramakrishnan of Rosyln, New York has won the 17th Annual Gival Press Short Story Award-2020 for his story "Jackson Heights" which was chosen anonymously by last year's winner A. J. Rodriguez. The award has a prize of $1K and publication on Gival Press's website.
The finalists include:
Runner up: "Cloud People" by Jacqueline Henry of New York, New York
"Blue Light" by Jodi Lawaich of Burlington, Vermont
"The Tree Whisperer" by Peter Curtis of Seattle, Washington
"Cree" by David Rothgery of Beaverton, Oregon
A formal press release will be sent out soon.
"The Miracle Machine" by Matthew Pennock was named one of the Best Book of 2020 by Kirkus Reviews.
Here is your chance to listen to an interview with Matthew Pennock about "The Miracle Machine" with Katherina Pappas of Kirkus Reviews. Follow the link below; the interview begins at 00:19:05 to 00:22:57. https://www.kirkusreviews.com/podcast/2020-12-15/