About Gival Press
Gival Press, LLC, an award-winning independent literary publishing house located in Arlington, Virginia, was established in 1998 with a focus on publishing books of literary fiction, non-fiction (essays / educational texts), and poetry, of which some have been in Spanish or French.
To promote writing, Gival Press has sponsored writing contests since 1999.

Current Contests
​The Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award is in its 23rd year; deadline June 27th. Prize: $500.00 for the best original unpublished (be it in print or online) poem in English or a translation into English from another language as long as the translator of the English unpublished version has the approval of the original poet that best describes LGBTQ+ life.
The Gival Press Short Story Award is in its 21st year, deadline August 8th. Prize: $1,000.00 for the best original unpublished (be it in print or online), stand-alone story in English or a translation into English from another language as long as the translator of the English unpublished version has the approval of the original author of 5,000 to 15,000 words of high literary quality.
Please note that entries to the Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award and the Gival Press Short Story Award require a reading fee and must be submitted via Submittable. For complete details, see the link below.
Please note that the contract for the winners of the Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award and the Gival Press Short Story Award includes a statement explaining that any Work created by AI (Artificial Intelligence software) will be eliminated from the contests.
​ Winner of the 2023 Gival Press Poetry Award is Rod Carlos Rodriguez of San Antonio. Judge/Poet Beverly Burch chose his ms titled A History of Echoes anonymously from a pool of finalists. The book will be published in October 2024, along with all the publicity normally done to promote Gival Press books.
The Gival Press Novel Award and the Gival Press Poetry Award have closed / been discontinued as of January 2024.
Gival Press is not accepting queries for mss for publication.
Contact Us
Gival Press, LLC
PO Box 3812
Arlington, VA 22203
Subscribe to our blog
Gival Press is a member of the following organizations:
APSS (Association of Publishers for Special Sales)
CLMP (Council of Literary Magazines & Publishers)
IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Association)​
NABE (National Association of Book Entrepreneurs)​
The Publishing Triangle​
Other Associations/ Organizations Gival Press has / has had affiliation with or has contributed to:
Academy of American Poets
​Arlington-Alexandria Gay & Lesbian Alliance now known as Equality NOVA
Association of American Publishers, Inc. (member for several years)
​Authors Guild
AWP (Association of Writers & Writing Programs)
BBB (Better Business Bureau)
​Center for Fiction, NYC
​Gay & Lesbian Review
​Human Right Campaign
​Lambda Literary Foundation
​Latinx History Project, Washington, DC
​PEN America
​Poets House
​Poets & Writers, Inc.
​Poetry Society of America
​Poetry Society of Virginia
​Rainbow History Project, Washington, DC
Texas Institute of Letters
​Writers' League of Texas